What is a Suction Device?
Suction is one of the devices related to the field of medical engineering . This device has many applications in medicine ,dentistry, skin and beauty
The suction device acts like a vacuum cleaner and is practically a suction, but the amount of suction is different and adjustable in different applications.
The suction device has different sizes and volumes for different applications. Suction device or vacuum pump (vacuum pump) is a device that is created by the suction pump and by creating a vacuum, it creats negative pressure and draws air and liquids inwards.
This device is used to remove the secreted fluids from the gap created for surgeries and also where the volume of fluids removed from patient’s body is high . for this reason , this device is one of the most contaminated equipment used in medical centers. The suction device is one of the essential tools of the operating room and in each operating room there should be at least 2 sources of suction , one for anesthesia and the other for surgery . The current combination of two or more suction sources is suitable for use by both surgical teams.
This device needs to be in addition to the operating room in the anesthesia room , recovery room, intensive care unit and other departments . there are several techniques for suctioning , including air sweeping ( mechanical system) , ionization ( electromagnetic system), using a laser, and so on.
Different suctions are produced according to different technology and depending on the efficiency in the world . one type of suction is medical suction.
Abadis suction tanks and bags can be used in all suction devices in the country with slight change in the clamp connected to the device and the relevant claps are provided free of charge by abadis medical tanks.
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very good passage for suction device
Abadis products are of high quality and have been approved by medical centers.